Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Ancillary Task - Discussion

My Group and I discussed last week what our ancillary tasks involves, and what would be the most suitable choices to go together with our final production. Earlier in my blog, I showed the brief for this product, which contained these three possible options (to go together with the main music video production):

  • A website homepage for the band;
  • A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD);
  • A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).
Our group had no trouble in deciding which two of the three choices we should proceed to create, those being; 'A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD)' and 'A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

Why we chose ''A cover for its release as part of a digipak' and ''A magazine advertisement for the digipak' over the task 'A website homepage for the band;'

There are many factors for our group to decide against the website task and choose the other two tasks over it. The most important of the factors, we all have a previous experience in either creating a magazine advert/CD/DVD in one form or another. This means we shouldn't have any problems when we come around to creating the Cover and Magazine ancillary tasks. The website, however, is a different matter. We do not have experience in this field, and simply attempting it will cause problems and waste valuble time that could be used in the creation of the other two. The chosen two will not be a learning process but a development and collaboration of our groups previous work, skills and talents. Personally, I think a website (unless done professionally) could look slighty tacky and not up to the standard we hope to achieve. The final group decision was undisputed.

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