We have decided to gain an insight into our audience's thoughts and preferences on music videos by means of a questionaire, available to all to fill out. Aiden created the first draft of the questionaire which was later discussed over with George and myself, eventually concluding with a finalised version (displayed below). This is for the benefit of our production, as the decisions that are made may affect and determine any features or ideas we may want to include. Please fill out as well as you can, it would be much appreciated:
1. Which of the following age brackets applies to you?
[ ] Under 16 [ ] 16-19 [ ] 20-25 [ ] 26-30
[ ] 31-40 [ ] 41+
2. What is your gender?
[ ] Male [ ] Female
3. How much do you spend on music per year?
[ ] £0-£5 [ ] £6-£10 [ ] £11-£20 [ ] £21-£40 [ ] £41+
4. Do you find music more accessible when it has a supplementary video?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] No Preference
5. Do music videos help you feel more involved in the music?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] No Preference
6. How frequently do you watch music videos?
[ ] Daily [ ] Weekly [ ] Fortnightly [ ] Monthly
[ ] Rarely [ ] Never
7. Via which means of media do you watch music videos? (Tick all that apply)
[ ] Music channels (TV) [ ] Internet [ ] Portable Media Player
[ ] Games console [ ] Other (please state):
8. What is your preferred genre of music? (Tick all that apply)
[ ] Rock [ ] Rhythm and Blues [ ] Hip-Hop [ ] Blues [ ] Jazz
[ ] Folk [ ] Indie [ ] Hardcore [ ] Punk [ ] Pop
[ ] Pop-Punk [ ] Drum and Bass [ ] Electronic [ ] Other (please state):
9. Do you prefer music videos which have a more direct involvement of the band? (E.g. live shots of the band, members of the band acting, etc.)
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] No preference
10. Which features of music videos most appeal to you? (Tick all that apply)
[ ] Special Effects [ ] Animation [ ] Realism
[ ] Expressionism [ ] Fantasy [ ] Other (please state)
11. Do you prefer music videos to have a story line?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] No Preference
12. What is your favourite music video, and which feature(s) of it most appeals to you?
13. How do you prefer males to be represented in music videos?
14. How do you prefer females to be represented in music videos?