Monday, 24 January 2011

Ancillary Task: Magazine Advert Design

After the initial research we did on magazine adverts, we created a design for our own magazine advert. We choose that to follow the colour theme featured in the animation of our production, a discoloured white. We will also include some of the images we used to create the animations. For instance, the dove and the split heart. We did this because the band adverts we had researched, most notably with Arcade Fire and Bullet For My Valentine, who followed their theme throughout, of there CD covers, magazine adverts and music videos. This is why we have tried to implement similar themes, such as colour scheme, into our own advert. This will allow it to become more identifible as a product, hopefully allowing it to be recognised by a wider audience, maybe even outside of our demographic. The Maccabees are also notable for using images from the CD covers etc and including it in their animation.

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