After recieving a fair amount of data from our questionaire, we have collaborated our entries together to gain an understanding of what the audience would like to see in a music video. This post shows the graphs of results, the anaylsis that follows and our decision whether or not to use the audience feedback provided for our video.
The graph displays the results of the age of the participants. The majority of them chose between the ages 16-19. This provides us with the information that this age group are the most important to us when creating the video, and have to keep them in mind as a top priority, as they are more likely to be the judges of our production package. Aiden found some secondary research that supports our graph's results. The research found that the age bracket 12-19 on average spend £37.55. (Found from Our graph results, and the secondary research suggest that our demographic is going to consist mostly of this age bracket.
Evidently, the graph above shows the results of the gender of the participants, which are clearly shifted to being mostly male. There are a few females however which will hopefully keep a reasonable balance.
The results of our graph put the majority of the participant in the region of £41+, with an almost equal amount from £11 - £20 & £21 - £40 collectively. This is likely due to digital download and access to music videos. No one in the questionaire selected £0 - £5. If we were to sell this single, we would have to give the best quality that we could do to insure that we would satisfy our demographic.
Over half of our participants agree that music is more accessible when it is accompanied with a supplementary video. Obviously, we cannot ignore the section of people who choose 'no preference', showing that the music video is not important to them, in terms of accessing music. But, to please the majority, we will need to make our video to the best quality that we can.
Like the previous, this graph has the majority in the categories 'yes' and 'no preference'. This gives us evidence that people would more likely prefer to have a video that accompanies the music, as it would help them feel more involved with the music, as the question suggests. The minority that answered 'No' lets us know that music videos are not always considered necessary to be part of the music. This may be from a selection of people who do not usually listen to music with a music video, or music that has no music video (e.g. On the radio). Although, according to our graph results, it is more likely for our following to buy the music along with the video.
This graph shows that people usually watch videos fairly frequent during a week, in some cases, daily. Although the previous graph showed that people do not find music more accessible with it's music video, this graph helps to prove how useful music videos are in the distribution of music and its accessibility. It is important that we create the best possible video for the best possible results.
From this graph we discovered that 84% of people that completed this questionaire use the internet or the TV to watch music videos. For us, the internet would be the only realistic option, seeing as gaining access to TV music video can be highly expensive and far to complicated for time we have left. However, the internet is by far a sufficient enough medium for our group to distribute our video to our demographic. It has proved to be successful for other musicians.
This graphs displays the participants response to their favourite types of genre. The results favour Rock & Indie, but do display a fair amount for all of the others. Belingo, being of the folk/indie genre, generally fits quite well with these results. As our group also like folk, indie and rock music, it will be enjoyable to try to create a video based on these genres.
This graph presents us with almost equal results. 43% prefer it when a band is directly invovled with a music video, leaving a large percentage who did not mind whether the band were directly involved with the video. Therefore, we are considering implenting roles for each of the band members, seeing as our demographic find it a popular convention.
Animation is a feature our group all like in a music video, and as the results show, so do the majority of the participants. It is also a lot easier to implentment than other categories, such as, special effects and fantasy. Realism is another feature that is popular in the results, we could try and use this in conjunction with the animation, to maximise our production to how our demographic would enjoy it.
According to these results, it appears that the participants prefer the music to have some sort of story line intergrated into the music video. Story lines are a common theme, along with animation. 42% however, have said they have no preference or prefer it when a video does not contain a video. So it is up to our group to decide whether we think it is necessary or not. Looking at the previous graphs, I think we prefer the idea of animation and/or realism as a feature.
The questions we added at the end that required the participant to write an answer opposed to multiple choice. This meant we could not create accurate graphs for the wide range of response we got from the wriiten answers. However, we analysed them here:
What is your favourite music, and which feature(s) of it appeals to you?
After sifting through the different answers we got to these questions, two videos stuck out clearly and popular. The videos were 'Here It Goes Again' by OK GO, a popular music video involving stylised movements on treadmills which became hugely popular on Youtube, and the other 'Feel Good Inc' by Gorillaz, which Gorillaz are well known for the animation based videos and characters, which this video also provides. The reasons these were popular were because of the creativity and originality, and the quality of animation. Animation being our group personal favourite, we are considering it a lot.
The questions based of the representation of male and female overall gave a general 'no preference'. This gives us freedom to representation both genders as we wish. However, we will aim to display both genders as close to how typical media texts of this genre do, to help draw in our demographic, of both sexes.